15 December 2008


How do you know when you've married into a good family? This weekend while we were in Joplin for Christmas shopping and family fun, my mother-in-law gave me pie shields that keep pie crust from burning around the edges. That's the first sign. Then tonight, most honorable husband made pie; pecan pie with flaky crust just to test out the pie shields. They worked beautifully. Sorry, I've got to go sweep the pie crust crumbs off the keyboard now. Mmmmm...pie. Later folks.

07 December 2008

Doom, despair and agony on me

Ladies, there's evil amongst us. A dark, menacing evil that is out to lead us (each and every one) astray. No matter the path you have chosen to take, this evil lies in wait. Temptations, obstacles and road blocks are all products of this evil. It's easy to generalize and be simplistic with names like "chocolate", "sweets" or "goodies". But those terms are understatements that downplay the pervasive nature of this evil. Pray for us, each and every one. Now I've gotta go wipe the powdered sugar off my face from the "puppy chow" my hubby made this afternoon. Evil.

25 November 2008

With friends like these - Who needs enemies?

Sabrina, Sabrina, Sabrina! That ever-clever photog friend of mine has cooked up some mischievous holiday fun. She's elfed us! Honestly, though, those elves don't dance nearly as well as we do in real life. heee heee
Pause the music player on the right, then-
Check out the elf dances...
Dance #1 - Disco

Dance #2 - Dancing with the stars?

22 November 2008


Nope, it's not my biological clock sounding in my ear. Just one of those clocks reminding me that time is running out.... Thanksgiving is just a few days away. Do you have your grocery shopping done? Do you know what you're going to cook? Where do you find large cans of apricot nectar anymore?
Tick...tick...tick. I think I'm getting old. It's not a chronological issue, but as "they" say, it's all a state of mind. And my mind is in the state of Dementia. It can be a blissful state with a meandering two lane highway that has the sweeping tree canopy that almost blocks out the sky in places. Without a doubt that's where I live, the state of Dementia. Even if others see chaos and disorder, I can stay in Dementia and convince myself that all is well.
Tick...tick...tick. Ding! Time for a nap.
Later folks.

19 November 2008

That fuzzy, tingly warm feeling

No, it's not the feeling you get when you have to go potty so bad that you walk with your legs joined at the knees.... But that feeling you got when you thought about him at the right time and in the right way. Remember that? Really, think hard. Remember now? Well she's got it. It's easy to understand why deer run out in front of cars this time of year. It's their mating season. Well, she's love drunk. Julie went on a cruise met a fabulous single guy and WHAM! She may claim it's seasickness, but she's love drunk.

I desperately need a road trip. Thanksgiving is coming, then Christmas. I need a return trip to Cooper-Young.

Three weeks ago I was wandering around downtown Memphis (a favorite thing to do) and I saw a black and white photograph (framed and matted) called "Missing Columns" at the market during a juried art show. I should've bought it. I should've bought it. It captured so much in such a simple photo. I am going to stalk the photographer down again and buy it. Someday.

Ever have the feeling things are changing around you faster than you can appreciate. Kind of like picking up a pair of binoculars and having trouble adjusting the focus. You know things are different, just not sure how.

There's little better in life than having friends, good friends that will walk you to safety and know when to stop talking before you cry. You know who you are.

My grandma Hettie would get teary eyed just thinking about special people in her life. Call me Hettie.
Later folks.

15 November 2008

Shabby Diva Chic Finds!

So, I've just got to brag on one of my super steal finds from today. I love Restoration Hardware and enjoy geting their catalog. Today, I bought nine (9) oil-rubbed bronze wall sconces with shades at a yard sale for $45. They have the RH sticker inside the fixture under the installation plate. So, I looked out on the website and they are part of the Vintage fixtures collection and sell for $59.99 each on sale (reg. $99). They look as if they have never been installed. It just so happens I have a total of nine (9) shiny brass wall sconces in my living room and dining room that are dying for a change. Gotta love it! Above is the pic, but it's the chrome model. Again, mine are oil-rubbed bronze, so they are black metal.

Other super deals - an awesome London Fog all-weather jacket for Kev at $3. And an awesome gold sweater set from Coldwater Creek at $3 for the set. Scored great knee high brown boots for me at $3 as well.

Nothing warms the heart like a road trip and found treasure....

21 September 2008

OK... ladies. The newest episode of "The Cougar Den" isn't out yet from SNL. Here's one from last year with Ashton Kutcher. http://jezebel.com/379487/demi-moore-curiously-absent-from-snl-cougars-skit Rawwwr.

20 September 2008

SNL - The Cougar Den

Too funny!! Did you catch "The Cougar Den" on Saturday Night Live. You've got to go watch this skit. Julie will especially enjoy it!!! Sabrina may not think it's funny. LOL Go Cougars! (Sabrina, hide your baby). Later chicas.

02 August 2008

I'm Back..... Whew!

Hit some great yard sales and thrift shops today. Not as many kids items as I'd found 2 weeks ago, but some great grown-up stuff. I got four (4) new pairs of shoes for myself for $1 a pair. Three pairs are from Dillards and all are brand names in the boxes (with little, if any, wear) and one pair of sandals is from Old Navy and never worn. For instance a pair of black Gianni Bini strap sandals, a pair of silver heels... at left that are sold for $59 with stickers still on the boxes. The old navy flips are just groovy with black and silver sequins. Ooooh La la.

03 April 2008

Spring Surprise!

The sun came out around 7 pm. And we had beautiful rainbows and just enough time for mud pies.

27 March 2008

Spring... Aaaahhh

Spring is a time of new beginnings. So, let's make a new commitment to our health. Exercise more (or start exercising). Eat better (or at least better than we were). Stress less. I'm not saying do a complete overhaul of your life. Just pick one thing to do for yourself and your health. And keep doing it.

What have I chosen? Massages. See? I can still be self indulgent.

Later folks.

12 March 2008

Proud Momma

I took Sir Mixalot off the autoplay. Instead, you're enjoying some indie music, Harry Connick, Jr. and gospel.

So, I'm a proud momma. My beautiful cadet sent me some fabulous pics from her honor guard presentation at a football game. She's all decked out with full dress uniform, gloves and all. Even as a little girl, she loved to dress up. Now she's dressing up and being a big girl! It's easy to see why we are so proud of her. Anything worth having takes hard work.

She has to do PT (physical training) on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 6 am! Her PT test requires her to run 1.5 miles, do as many situps and pushups as she can in one minute! At 6 am on Fridays, I'm still laying in my bed..... Do I hear an "Amen", sister?

While we're talking about proud mommas, I wouldn't have made my momma proud today. I must have left my drama queen pill in the bottle this morning. I am unable, physically unable, at many times of keeping my mouth shut. It's just hard for me to not push something, just because I can. It's easy for me to lose sight of why I am in the career I've chosen. Today, I pulled out my drama queen club membership card and made it clear to a courtroom of people that I have little control over my actions when excited. No chance my report card will be sent to my momma saying "Plays well with others." Instead, it will warn, "Runs with scissors". If you were there today, YES I am ashamed.

Fast forward through the music player on the right and listen to "Pass Me Not" - the 2nd half of the track is "It is Well With My Soul". As a child, I had a pastor at church that commented Job's trials were likely initiated by his fervent prayer for patience. I was taught never pray for patience, lest your lesson be taught with trials. So, if I ask for peace and contentment, how will I learn these gifts? I promise, I didn't pray for peace in my life. "It is Well With My Soul". That phrase is profound. It embodies patience, contentment, peace and personal insight. It's not saying "it is pleasing to others" or even "it is well with others". I need to feed that part of my soul that puts others first. Then, behave less like a fifteen year old drama queen and more in a manner that will be "well with my soul".

Okay, that was your Hettie thought for the day. Grandma Hettie would have loved this performance of Pass Me Not - It is Well With My Soul. And she knew and exemplified humility.

Later folks.

03 March 2008

Just another day... and Sir Mixalot?

WARNING: Sir Mixalot is loading on the mp3 player..... Skip to the next song if you're easily offended.
If MHH (Most Honorable Husband) has told you Saturday was my 41st birthday, he lied. Don't listen to him. It was my 37th. So, how did I mark this auspicious occasion?
1. I learned to drive a bulldozer. Woo hoo! A dusty, slow Case 450. I liked it so much, I spent Sunday pulling stumps from out of the field by the garden. My dad was so proud he gave me a black cap that said "CAT". Don't think I'll wear it anytime soon.
2. I created my 2nd children's song. For some reason I get lyrical whenever I have my giggly, silly, super sticky sweet nieces around. So, for Grace & Lily (the super gigglers) and Mary Kate (who they are teaching to giggle nonstop), I wrote my 2nd children's song. This one isn't as complete as the original composition (the Zoo Family). But it is contemporary.... a la Sir Mixalot. And it starts out "I like big books and I cannot lie. I read pages one at a time....". I told Grace and Lily they could sing it at school, but only right when they line up to go to the library. Good aunt, eh?

But honestly, Gracie started it. On the way home from the soccer game on Saturday, Gracie belts out "I like big butts and I cannot lie" in near perfect mimicry of Sir Mixalot. If you know my brother and his wife, you understand my bewilderment. I don't think Sir Mixalot plays over their home audio system much. MHH and I looked at each other and laughed. Gracie responds with "My Uncle Chad has that on his phone for when Aunt Tracy calls him". Tracy is Chad's wife. Wow. All that to inspire my literacy promoting tune that I worked out with a dance for the Gigglemeisters. "I like big books and I cannot lie. I read pages one at a time....".

My sister-in-law, Dawn, is a literacy specialist at Valley Springs Elementary. My sister-in-law, Kristal, is a librarian at a middle school in Bolivar, Missouri. Maybe I should work out the lyrics for them to use at school. Seriously, no royalties, ladies.

Later folks.

15 February 2008

"Dress Up" Dinner Night & Mariachi?

Tonight was "dress up" dinner night with Mary Kate & Kev. We ate at Salsa's (by MK's request) and they had a LIVE mariachi band. It was great fun with La Cucaracha, La Bamba and The Chicken Dance. Whodathunkit? A mariachi band in Harrison. Later folks.

12 February 2008

Perfect weekend coming up... and more Hettie music

For many out there, this weekend affords a 3-day break (President's Day). Mary Katherine's school is even out this Monday. And the beautiful Ozarks will be filled with..... of course, rain. So, this weekend is a great opportunity to grab your backpack and get away. Just remember the basic rules..... 1. mucho moolah is not required 2. humble abodes are welcoming (cabins, hostels, mom and pop motels, campgrounds) and 3. eat good food on the road. Don't worry that you didn't plan ahead. I can spend hours looking a guide books, travel articles and maps to plan out a trip. A group I road tripped with these past few years is very familiar with my laminated sheets and plotted itinerary. But, on short notice NOTHING is better that choosing a direction (north, south, east or west) and heading out sans reservations. Just go.

You are working on your backpack aren't you? I picked up a handy an awesome LED light for my keychain and a caribiner clip this past weekend from most honorable husband (MHB). I'm scouring the 'net and catalogs for a perfect backpack(around 3500 cu. inches and around 22" tall). Maybe my J Crew / LLBean big brother will bestow upon me some knowledge. He's not exactly a vagabond (as I aspire to be). But he's very crafty on the J Crew/LLBean type camping stuff and obviously knows his gear.

Things I have on the horizon.....
Mexico in April - definitely taking place - Let's go girlfriends!
Morocco/Barcelona in July - probably taking place (I cannot wait).
India in October - probably just a dream (I could use ten days at a yogic ashram in a monastery)

For your enjoyment... choice music. Just call me Hettie.

Later, folks.

04 February 2008


You can now catch my blog at my new website http://www.made2meander.com/ . It just may be accessible on those nasty filtered networks. Give it a try! Later folks.


Wow. As a master of manipulation myself (very hard to say with a straight face), I am in awe of the Democratic Party's well played hand. Gee, hmm... would you Barack Obama take Hillary Rodham Clinton as your running mate? This was art. Whoever the PR rep is that came up with this complicated waltz deserves so much recognition. This concept was introduced to the mainstream in such a way that tens of thousands of people had light bulbs going off over their heads.

Think about it. Often opposing parties will encourage participation in the other party's primary to get a nomination for a weaker candidate. For instance silly Arkansas Repubs that voted in the Democratic primary for an Aww Shucks Bill Clinton. But wait, what to do when the Dems revert to a historical process of placing the two top candidates as running mates? Ingenious. And so well danced on that stage. It was almost as if the dancing partners were bowing to each other at the prologue of a minuet.

Actually, it was probable the first glimpse we've had at the dominatrix relationship Hillary holds over her men. Can't you just see her reaching over, under the table, as the moderator popped that question and squeezing Barack's knee? Don't kid yourself, she'll be calling the shots no matter which office she holds. Just look...
Barack: "Babe, I got you babe." a la Sonny & Cher

Barack: "Ooooh. Baby Baby" a la Salt n Peppa's Push It

Hillary: "You are SOOO getting spanked for this."

Barack: "Hurts so good" a la John Cougar Mellencamp.

OK. Enough tasteless music humor at their expense. But, then just to remind you that HRC is a master at conforming men to a subservient role ... look at this shaggy boy. Wasn't he pretty? NOT (sorry, Cyndi, but he wasn't). Later folks.

31 January 2008

Snow Baby.

Ready to try.
Picking a spot.
Taking a fall.
Close to the edge.

Winter Wonderland and Shopping?

Most honorable husband (from now on MHH)took Mary Kate and I to town this morning to shop. He said we would be snowed in all weekend and he didn't think I'd make it without some "go" this morning.

I got a coupon from Walgreens by email last night for $5 off any purchase of $20 BUT it expires today. So, I've attached it for anyone to use that can. Print and use it. $5 off Walgreens

Below is one of my favorite snowtime Calvin and Hobbes.... from the snowman series See more here .

Stay safe and out of the ditch. Later folks.

30 January 2008

Humility. Patience.

Way back when I was close enough in my spiritual walk to learn something from men of God and the word of God, I was taught never pray for humility or patience. These are gifts that must be learned through experience, not bestowed in an instant. So, to ask the good Lord for humility and have your prayers answered can be a... well, humbling experience. Likewise for patience, just think of the trials and tribulations the most patient person you know has gone through to acquire such a gift.

I talk in my sleep. Or at least I used to when I was younger. Now it's likely drown out by my incessant snorting and snoring. Stick with me here, I'm not digressing (or rabbit-trailing). Well, last night in my sleep, I must have muttered a prayer for both humility and patience. Today was a long, grueling and ultimately disappointing day. And it just goes to show me when I get too smart for my own good, Judge takes me down a notch (or ninety). Don't get me wrong, as Hettie would say, "He's a good man.". Powerful words from Granny.

If I had it in the house, I would line up three shots of tequila. Just to test the theory that it would bring on a foggy haze for the night. Three shots....

But I won't my daddy raised a better girl than that (and I turn beet red if I drink alcohol). Later folks.

29 January 2008

Better than a soap opera...

In my line of work, I see all kinds. Sometimes, my conduct in the courtroom is just for the sake of spectacle. I admit it. I love the drama that people bring shoved into their pockets, twitching in their jacket and crumpled up in their "papers". So many of the parents I encounter have too much excitement in their lives. Good and bad. I digress.

Confession #1 - I try at the highest level of effort to be polite to everyone in court. That's everyone attorneys, staff, parties, professionals and the milieu of friends, family and freaks that accompany each of these. But, just to say I am polite does not mean that I don't have heavy doses of sarcasm and lures into pitfalls laced in my pleasantries. Okay. I confess. If I'm being a little too nice to you, watch out. I can't be trusted. Just ask my brother.

Confession #2 - I'm a snob. Not an ordinary snob, but maybe a "reverse snob". If you're the kind of person who was in a sorority, fraternity, homecoming queen or any similar stereotype, I'll likely pour my pleasantries (see confession #1) on you. And joke behind your back that you likely still write in dot letters.

But I've got to say, if you are one of my favorite peeps and then I find out you were a Freddie (as in Freddy Fraternity) or a Susie (as in Susie Sorority), then I am always quick to respect that you have advanced so far and overcome such a handicap.

But enough confessions, I digress. See this bag? It's a Coach and you, too, can fetch one for a mere $388. Bonus points go to Stanley for spotting in the courtroom this week on the shoulder of....... you guessed - one of those parents with too much excitement in her life. Way to go Stanley.

Soap opera. Later folks.

28 January 2008

More Hettie ...

I don't know exactly what it is that opened the gates, but I am more and more like my grandmother daily. While I sat in the sanctuary of the First Congregational Church in midtown Memphis, it was as if I could feel not see Hettie with her hand laying on her leg in a half fist around a Kleenex tapping to emphasize her joy at hearing good music. Aaron Copeland's arrangement of Shall We Gather at the River was performed by a male soloist. It made me cry. Then the congregation, as lead by the choir sang acapella the hymn Take My hand, Precious Lord and I promise I heard Mahalia Jackson over my shoulder. It was powerful.

That was when I knew Hettie was sharing her spirit with me. Then, the next day I heard Steven Curtis Chapman's I Will Be Here while plundering in a thrift shop in Southhaven, MS. There I was, hiding my tears while looking at handbags. Turns out the song was a mega-hit in the early 90s and played at a zillion weddings, but I'd never heard it. This week, my friend Julie had me on the search to find her fave tear-jerker, I Can Only Imagine.

So turn up the volume. Restart the song and sob with me, friend.
P.S. The song may no longer be loaded..... if needed - stop the player above to the right and click here

NOT my favorite way to travel, but there are advantages

I haven't heard an update on the Leer jet availability (hint hint Janette), but did anyone see the rates to New Orleans lately? Wow! Right now it's $201 from Little Rock, not terrible but not yet great.

26 January 2008

Where did today go?

It was beautiful outside. Warm in the low 50s. Which is excellent since Mary Kate played in a cold, icy creek with a friend today. She jumped from ledgerock to ledgerock, but somehow her socks were wet.

My supercalifragilistikexpialidocious father and husband gave up their beautiful day to travel south of Marshall. As usual, they stepped up and went above and beyond. I think I owe them each a caramel cake (kind of like kudos but gooey-er).

I tried my hand at making caramel cake this week and did pretty well. Not as good as Walker's at the Germantown Commissary, but still great cake. Here's the recipe I used. Kev says its best served slightly warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. But hey, what in life isn't?

Cool beans.

25 January 2008

Frog, Fox...... Crane? The relaxing art of origami

Mary Kate and I enjoyed the ancient Japanese art of origami tonight. Specifically, we made paper cranes. While in Memphis last week, Stanley and I saw the traveling exhibit from the Children's Peace Monument in Hiroshima, Japan, and heard a speaker about the paper crane project. An ancient Japanese children's story says that if you make 1000 paper cranes and fill each one with a wish, after the 1000th crane, the wish will come true. The Children's Peace Monument in Japan has thousands of chains of paper cranes sent from children from all over the world. Mary Kate and I made our own paper cranes. I'll scan the instructions and share here. Maybe we'll make a few chains and send them to the Project.

More details: http://www.city.hiroshima.jp/shimin/heiwa/crane.html

24 January 2008

Memphis - Music, Food and Fellowship

I spent the past weekend in Memphis. A fabulous time. Of course, a large part of the trip revolved around "road food". I'll post details at later dates. I think I want to start a "road food" map of my own with reviews of the places I've eaten on my road trips.

I, once again, loved my stay at hostel and enjoyed being in such an international atmosphere. This weekend visitors included a dozen or so international students from Georgia Tech in town for the Martin Luther King holiday. Students were from Sweden, France, Egypt and other places I can't remember.

I went to First Congregational Church on Sunday morning and experienced a worship service that was.... filled to the brim with worship. Unbelievable. Music that brought tears to my eyes. I'll see if I can find a sample and post here.

South Third Street in Memphis at almost one o’clock in the morning on Saturday is an interesting place to find Mississippi Black Snake Handlers.... Just ask Susie Stanley.