29 January 2008

Better than a soap opera...

In my line of work, I see all kinds. Sometimes, my conduct in the courtroom is just for the sake of spectacle. I admit it. I love the drama that people bring shoved into their pockets, twitching in their jacket and crumpled up in their "papers". So many of the parents I encounter have too much excitement in their lives. Good and bad. I digress.

Confession #1 - I try at the highest level of effort to be polite to everyone in court. That's everyone attorneys, staff, parties, professionals and the milieu of friends, family and freaks that accompany each of these. But, just to say I am polite does not mean that I don't have heavy doses of sarcasm and lures into pitfalls laced in my pleasantries. Okay. I confess. If I'm being a little too nice to you, watch out. I can't be trusted. Just ask my brother.

Confession #2 - I'm a snob. Not an ordinary snob, but maybe a "reverse snob". If you're the kind of person who was in a sorority, fraternity, homecoming queen or any similar stereotype, I'll likely pour my pleasantries (see confession #1) on you. And joke behind your back that you likely still write in dot letters.

But I've got to say, if you are one of my favorite peeps and then I find out you were a Freddie (as in Freddy Fraternity) or a Susie (as in Susie Sorority), then I am always quick to respect that you have advanced so far and overcome such a handicap.

But enough confessions, I digress. See this bag? It's a Coach and you, too, can fetch one for a mere $388. Bonus points go to Stanley for spotting in the courtroom this week on the shoulder of....... you guessed - one of those parents with too much excitement in her life. Way to go Stanley.

Soap opera. Later folks.

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