So, I'm a proud momma. My beautiful cadet sent me some f

She has to do PT (physical training) on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 6 am! Her PT test requires her to run 1.5 miles, do as many situps and pushups as she can in one minute! At 6 am on Fridays, I'm still laying in my bed..... Do I hear an "Amen", sister?
While we're talking about proud mommas, I wouldn't have made my momma proud today. I must have left my drama queen pill in the bottle this morning. I am unable, physically unable, at many times of keeping my mouth shut. It's just hard for me to not push something, just because I can. It's easy for me to lose sight of why I am in the career I've chosen. Today, I pulled out my drama queen club membership card and made it clear to a courtroom of people that I have little control over my actions when excited. No chance my report card will be sent to my momma saying "Plays well with others." Instead, it will warn, "Runs with scissors". If you were there today, YES I am ashamed.
Fast forward through the music player on the right and listen to "Pass Me Not" - the 2nd half of the track is "It is Well With My Soul". As a child, I had a pastor at church that commented Job's trials were likely initiated by his fervent prayer for patience. I was taught never pray for patience, lest your lesson be taught with trials. So, if I ask for peace and contentment, how will I learn these gifts? I promise, I didn't pray for peace in my life. "It is Well With My Soul". That phrase is profound. It embodies patience, contentment, peace and personal insight. It's not saying "it is pleasing to others" or even "it is well with others". I need to feed that part of my soul that puts others first. Then, behave less like a fifteen year old drama queen and more in a manner that will be "well with my soul".
Okay, that was your Hettie thought for the day. Grandma Hettie would have loved this performance of Pass Me Not - It is Well With My Soul. And she knew and exemplified humility.
Later folks.
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