19 November 2008

That fuzzy, tingly warm feeling

No, it's not the feeling you get when you have to go potty so bad that you walk with your legs joined at the knees.... But that feeling you got when you thought about him at the right time and in the right way. Remember that? Really, think hard. Remember now? Well she's got it. It's easy to understand why deer run out in front of cars this time of year. It's their mating season. Well, she's love drunk. Julie went on a cruise met a fabulous single guy and WHAM! She may claim it's seasickness, but she's love drunk.

I desperately need a road trip. Thanksgiving is coming, then Christmas. I need a return trip to Cooper-Young.

Three weeks ago I was wandering around downtown Memphis (a favorite thing to do) and I saw a black and white photograph (framed and matted) called "Missing Columns" at the market during a juried art show. I should've bought it. I should've bought it. It captured so much in such a simple photo. I am going to stalk the photographer down again and buy it. Someday.

Ever have the feeling things are changing around you faster than you can appreciate. Kind of like picking up a pair of binoculars and having trouble adjusting the focus. You know things are different, just not sure how.

There's little better in life than having friends, good friends that will walk you to safety and know when to stop talking before you cry. You know who you are.

My grandma Hettie would get teary eyed just thinking about special people in her life. Call me Hettie.
Later folks.

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